Monday, January 31, 2011

The Dream-Day 7

I am officially a swimming train wreck. After working out this morning, I hit the pool for 45 mins to practice underswitching. My breathing is so horrid that I can't swim 1 length without getting winded and I'm IN shape. The good news is I know exactly what I'm doing wrong. So, it's only a matter of time until I get it. Nothing worthwhile comes easy, right? I mentioned to the lifeguard that soon I'll look back and laugh about how lame I was. That's because I'm determined to improve, and therefore, I will.

I kept my 5th appointment with the chiropractor today and he basically waved the white flag and suggested I get an MRI. Not sure if I'll go through with that. I did, however, see Susanne this afternoon. Susanne is a Bavarian woman that does Rolfing and other modalities that resemble deep tissue massage but it's designed to open neurological pathways to allow the body to heal itself. At this point, I'll try freakin' electroshock therapy if it helps.

Last night, I told my Dad how interesting I find it to want to heal badly enough so I can go kick my butt 15-20 hrs a week for the next 9 months, while there are scores of people that don't do anything to improve their fitness and countless others that want to do something but don't take meaningful action to get there. Instead, they'd rather pop a pill or go on crash diets. Sorry, I just don't get it.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Dream-Day 6

To further mess with my head, yesterday's private swim lesson brought Zipper Switches into the equation. The ears understand what to do, but the body is saying, "WTF??"

Today, was my first day at the Suffolk Community College pool. I live about 5 minutes away so it's super convenient. Joe runs a Sunday program for various levels of swimmers and allowed me to come by and drill instead of trekking 20 minutes each way to Golds'. With the back still out of commission and not being able to ride or run yet, I'm focusing on the relentless pursuit of imprinting proper stroke mechanics.

My buddy, Pete, suggested I consider Rolfing to aid in healing. Rolfing reorganizes the connective tissues (fascia) that permeate the entire body. These connective tissues surround, support and penetrate all of the muscles, bones, nerves and organs. Rolfing works on this web-like complex of connective tissues to release, realign and balance the whole body. At this point, I'll try anything. WTF, it's only money. Oh, I heard it's ridiculously painful. Wonderful.

By the way, my breathing today sucked big time.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Dream-Day 5

Swim lesson #2 in the bank. Reviewed Skating and progressed to Underswitches which is the next segment in the progression towards a sound, efficient stroke. I'll be in the "drink" at Golds tomorrow morning to practice right after I do abs/shoulders and arms.

Here's coach Joe's endless pool. He has an underwater camera and there's a TV to the right that enables us to instantly review and evaluate.

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Dream-Day 4

Uggh! Back really giving me fits. Went today for 3rd round of Active Release. I'm good with the Active, but definitely need improvement with the Release part of the equation. Can't start running or biking until I get this under control.

Meanwhile, I practiced the beginner swim drills 3x since lesson 1 last week (next lesson tomorrow). Everyone I talk to that really knows about swimming and Triathlons stresses the importance of  imprinting each skill set until mastered before starting to really train. Until then, I'll just have to let the 3 year olds keep trash talkin' me in the pool. Crossing my fingers I make it to Guppy rank soon.

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Dream-Day 3

Yesterday, I spent 30 mins in the pool imprinting swim lesson 1 like a golfer working on his swing. It's really no different. In golf, if your set up isn't perfect then you're doomed before you start your swing. Once your foundation is locked in, you can work on the next set of moves and then repeat or imprint them so they become second nature. Sometimes, in order to move forward, we have to take several steps back. Rebuild, practice, refine, practice, ...

This afternoon, I'm off to Babylon Bike Shop to spend oodles of dough on a Power Tap (my friend, Snooky, is now drooling with thoughts of Bud Light), Tri bars, etc. for my Serotta. Cha-Ching!!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Dream-Day 2

This week's sign the apocalypse is upon us: I bought freakin' running shoes and a Garmin training watch. Let's recall, "I don't run". Actually, I loathe running. Like watching paint dry x 100.

I also started Active Release (easy guys) to repair my really sore back. I haven't trained a day yet and I'm already hurting. Not good. At least my surgicially repaired elbow shouldn't be a factor. I totally tore the tendon off my left elbow doing pull ups with a 45lb weight around my waist and had it reattached last August by my buddy, Dr. Scott Alpert. Not smart. Kids, don't try that at home.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Dream-Day 1

Well, I'm off. I hired a Triathlon coach (Joe Petrush) and we started off with the first of 6 private swim lessons. So, today, at 47, I'm first learning how to swim in Joe's endless pool (think water treadmill). Water comes at you at varying speeds and there's a stainless steel "mirror" directly underneath that you can use to check form. The technique is called TI (Total Immersion). No, it's not dunk and pray. It's about establishing proper breathing and swim mechanics (which I clearly don't have...yet) and then imprinting them. This drill is called Skating. I know, looks like nothing, but without it I'm in the medical tent during the run. I got the drill down, but I'm having serious issues with the lingo (Skating?). I'm hitting the real pool tomorrow to work on it sans water wings.

Monday, January 17, 2011

I signed up for what?

Let's kick this off with a laugh.  Click on

Yes, I am training for an Ironman.
Problem #1: I don't swim.
Problem #2: I don't run.
Problem #3: I bike, but not that seriously.

This hasn't stopped me from being straight jacket worthy by registering for this year's Ironman in Panama City Beach, FL on November 5th.  For those of you that don't know, I will be doing the following consecutively:

Swim: 2.4 miles (in the Gulf of Mexico)
Bike: 112 miles
Run: 26.2 miles (a marathon)

Over the past 3 years I've used BeachBody programs such as P90X, P90X+, Insanity, and One On Ones to get in the best shape of my life.  After watching the Kona Ironman in November, I set a goal this year to do a 1/2 Ironman.  Considering I was 25 the last time I did anything remotely like this (I'll be 48 when I do Panama City) I thought that would be an awesome challenge.  Well, since I'm not a do 1/2 of anything kind of guy and I'm not all there either, I decided to do two 1/2 Ironmans or 1 full one...whichever comes first.

Friends, family, followers...ride along with me as I go for "The Dream".  What's your 2011 fitness Dream (be very specific) and how do you plan on getting there?

I WILL do it.  Will you?

Scott (soon to be Ironman) Janicola