Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Dream-Day 140.7

Dream Recap:
12/11/10: While channel surfing, I stumble upon NBC's presentation of 2010 IM Kona. I'm moved beyond belief. I recall watching it years ago and seeing the Dick & Rick Hoyt story and blubbering like a baby. I ask myself whether I think I could do this.
12/31/10: Aggravate 3 herniated discs in my lower back skiing in Sun Valley, ID.
1/3/11: Consider 2011 goals, remember it's the 10th anniversary of 9/11, and decide I want to do something big to set an example for my children.
1/5/11: List my goals for 2011 in my iPhone. #1: Do 1/2 IM for the 3 reasons listed above.
1/11/11: Look for a race on Ironman website. Instead of registering for the 1/2 IM as planned, I stare at the full distance event in Florida for 45 minutes before saying WTF and registering (I learn fast that this is an expensive sport...only way in was to get a charity spot and pay double).
1/14/11: First of 6 private swim lessons with Joe Petrush. Best money I've ever spent.
1/14-3/29/11: Swim only and go through multiple back modalities including last chance cortisone injection that kicks in on 3/27 just days before my personal cut off of 4/1.
4/1/11: Hire Joe as my Tri coach.
4/3/11: First time I ever put on running shoes.
6/5/11: Sprint-my first Tri (Great South Bay-Long Island) 1:13:25. Place 9th in age group.
7/17/11: 1/2 IM (Musselman-Geneva, NY) 6:14:48. Major problems with food & heat. Last hr on bike & entire run was torture.
7/24/11: Get hit by car. Nobody, including the ass that pasted me, stops. Road rash central.
8/7/11: Olympic (NYC) 2:38:25. My favorite distance.
8/14/11: Injure right ankle (tendonitis) on 2 hr run in Punta Cana. Last run longer than 6 mi until IM.
9/11/11: 1/2 IM (Toughman-Westchester, NY). DNF (on purpose). Stopped after 4 miles. Hardest decision I had to make during training. Event was aptly named.
10/1/11-11/2/11: PT, accupuncture, and ART to help with various injuries (ankle, quad, and neck).
11/3/11: Leave for FL tapered and ready to do my best.
11/5/11: Dream becomes reality at 7:46pm 12:46:45.

Totals: 4/3/11-11/2/11
Swim: 115.72 miles
Bike: 3,089 miles
Run: 425.5 miles
345 hours
Gobs of money

Top 4 Take Aways
* Lived up to my commitment to never miss a workout, give it my best effort, and finish what I set out to do.
* Met and developed friendships with many other athletes that are as connected to others as much as they are dedicated to their training.
* Knowing that people care about me. The texts, emails, and FB messages blew me away.
* Heard from so many that I inspired them...The greatest gift of all.

For pics:!/media/set/?set=a.163290307101068.37266.100002603002364&type=1.

For videos:

Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Dream-Day 140.6

This has been taped to my mirror since Day 1. Thought it deserved to make the trip across the finish line with me. I did the modifications after the race.

Friday, November 4, 2011

The Dream-Day 140

Hmm, should I consider it a coincidence that the last post before IM is #140?

Several weeks ago, I rode 100 miles with new tri buddies Kasia Doherty and Joana Bekerman. During the ride, Kasia told me how she dedicates part of her races to certain people. What a great idea (that I'm copying).

So, here it is. My dedication list. Each name will be written on my forearms and my thoughts will focus on them as a tribute to their love, inspiration, and outstanding support. Couldn't have done it without them.

Cynthia, my Controller, who's battling Cancer and is the bravest person I've ever met. 2.4 in the Gulf under the worst conditions is nothing by comparison.

Mile 0-19       Gail, my wife.
Mile 20-39     Shane, my son.
Mile 40-59     Kendall, my daughter.
Mile 60-79     Madison, my youngest.
Mile 80-99     Mom
Mile 100-112 Dad

Mile 0-4         Phyllis, my mother-in-law.
Mile 5-9         Friends & Family.
Mile 10-14     Dominique Caramagno.
Mile 15-19     My coach, Joe Petrush.
Mile 20-24     People that inspire me.
Mile 25-26.2  People who never got the chance to dream.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Dream-Day 139

Had my last run before leaving for FL tomorrow. A strong 3 1/2 miler around my neighborhood. Starting to think about my journey. How fast 10 months can go by. Everything that's happened to me along the way. All the great people I've met.

Came into work and the girls decorated the office and gave me a card wishing me well. I'll let the pics do the talking.

My office. My race mantra.

View from the outside of the building showing my race number.