Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Dream-Day 140.7

Dream Recap:
12/11/10: While channel surfing, I stumble upon NBC's presentation of 2010 IM Kona. I'm moved beyond belief. I recall watching it years ago and seeing the Dick & Rick Hoyt story and blubbering like a baby. I ask myself whether I think I could do this.
12/31/10: Aggravate 3 herniated discs in my lower back skiing in Sun Valley, ID.
1/3/11: Consider 2011 goals, remember it's the 10th anniversary of 9/11, and decide I want to do something big to set an example for my children.
1/5/11: List my goals for 2011 in my iPhone. #1: Do 1/2 IM for the 3 reasons listed above.
1/11/11: Look for a race on Ironman website. Instead of registering for the 1/2 IM as planned, I stare at the full distance event in Florida for 45 minutes before saying WTF and registering (I learn fast that this is an expensive sport...only way in was to get a charity spot and pay double).
1/14/11: First of 6 private swim lessons with Joe Petrush. Best money I've ever spent.
1/14-3/29/11: Swim only and go through multiple back modalities including last chance cortisone injection that kicks in on 3/27 just days before my personal cut off of 4/1.
4/1/11: Hire Joe as my Tri coach.
4/3/11: First time I ever put on running shoes.
6/5/11: Sprint-my first Tri (Great South Bay-Long Island) 1:13:25. Place 9th in age group.
7/17/11: 1/2 IM (Musselman-Geneva, NY) 6:14:48. Major problems with food & heat. Last hr on bike & entire run was torture.
7/24/11: Get hit by car. Nobody, including the ass that pasted me, stops. Road rash central.
8/7/11: Olympic (NYC) 2:38:25. My favorite distance.
8/14/11: Injure right ankle (tendonitis) on 2 hr run in Punta Cana. Last run longer than 6 mi until IM.
9/11/11: 1/2 IM (Toughman-Westchester, NY). DNF (on purpose). Stopped after 4 miles. Hardest decision I had to make during training. Event was aptly named.
10/1/11-11/2/11: PT, accupuncture, and ART to help with various injuries (ankle, quad, and neck).
11/3/11: Leave for FL tapered and ready to do my best.
11/5/11: Dream becomes reality at 7:46pm 12:46:45.

Totals: 4/3/11-11/2/11
Swim: 115.72 miles
Bike: 3,089 miles
Run: 425.5 miles
345 hours
Gobs of money

Top 4 Take Aways
* Lived up to my commitment to never miss a workout, give it my best effort, and finish what I set out to do.
* Met and developed friendships with many other athletes that are as connected to others as much as they are dedicated to their training.
* Knowing that people care about me. The texts, emails, and FB messages blew me away.
* Heard from so many that I inspired them...The greatest gift of all.

For pics:!/media/set/?set=a.163290307101068.37266.100002603002364&type=1.

For videos:

1 comment:

  1. Congrats. Thats amazing. I keep telling myself "I'm not a swimmer," but we as humans can all swim. Right?
