Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Dream-Day 128

Yesterday, I ran 3 mi very easy. That seems to be the point where the pain begins. So, after speaking with Coach Joe, I'll probably run that distance several times next week accumulating distance in frequency rather than in a few longer efforts.

Last night's swim went much better than I thought it would. Atypically, we had longer sets with the intensity dialed back slightly. We started out with 3x100s on 2:00 and then 4x400s on 8:00. Total was about 2,700 yards (1.5 mi). Most sets over 100 yards intimidate me because my endurance isn't nearly as strong as the short stuff which is more about anaerobic capacity. However, we had a great group (Frank The Tank, Dominique, and Pete) and my competitive genes got fired up.

Got home around 9:30 and promptly ate 4 pieces of chicken, a cup of whole grain rice, and asparagus. I think I digested that in 10 mins. How else can I explain devouring 3 bagels. Yes, I said 3. Went to bed around 11:30 cursing the alarm clock in advance of my 4:45 wake up.

Stumbled to the kitchen and had a bowl of cereal and fruit and then went back to bed for another hour of sleep. Before long rides and IM I like to eat something real about 2 hrs before I start. So, right on schedule, I took off at 6:45 for a 6:15 min ride. Felt pretty good after 2 1/2 hrs and then my stomach decided it didn't like Perpetuem any more. This left me with no appetite (not good) but I managed to force down fluids but not nearly enough. This, my friends, is a prescription for disaster. I gutted out (pardon the pun) the remainder of the ride and waiting for my appetite (and the feeling in my crotch) to come back.

Riiiiiiight. I have to do this after I swim 2.4 and before a 26.2 run. I'm not well.

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