Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Dream-Day 129

I think it took me this long to recover from Saturday's ride to get amped up to create my next post.

I felt like dog shit until Sunday late morning. I basically had a fitness hangover. I rallied hard to get my ass out of bed at 6am and to the pool for 7am training. I was not a happy camper and was really close to bailing, but like most of the swims lately, I wasn't afforded the time between sets to make my escape. I hit the wall, gasped for air, and 5 seconds later would hear the blood curdling demand of "GO!". Oh, happy days.

I finished up, took a quick shower, and then bolted for Golds to spend 2 lovely hrs on the dreadliptical. Talk about watching paint dry. I "ellipticalled" 12 1/2 miles, took another shower, and motored home to collect my youngest daughter, drop her off at dance, and then headed down solo to the University of Delaware to take my 2 undergrads out for dinner.

Monday was a rest day but I still did Ab Ripper X and 100 pushups in my hotel room before driving to my factory 50 mins away.

With 3+ weeks to go, Joe has me running 2x/day every other day. Each time I'll increase distance. That way, I can still get in a respectable weekly volume without crushing my ankle. Yesterday's runs were ok until my right quad (I hurt it a few months ago) decided it wanted in on the action and started to bother me. After the evening 3 miler it felt like a Charlie-horse. I had a bike workout scheduled this morning and reluctantly decided not to do it. I know that was the wise decision, but I still felt a huge slacker. I'll swim tonight, rest it again tomorrow, and hope for the best for Friday's bike. Saturday, I have a 6 1/2 hr bike so I've read my legs the riot act and told them to knock it off already.

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