Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Dream-Day 111

Can't believe tomorrow is the 10th anniversary of 9/11. Vivid memories have increasingly started to flood my thoughts. Don't want to watch any video of the planes hitting the towers. Haven't been able to since right after the attack. It's our "where were you when Kennedy was shot" moment.

Yet, 9/11 remains as one of my big 3. It's 1 of the 3 reasons I signed up for this craziness. For me, it represents honoring those on Flight 93 that bravely forced down the plane headed for the DC and the thousands of others that lost their lives at the Pentagon and NYC.

For them, their dreams ended abrubtly and without warning. How many of them were training for the Ironman for the first time? How many watched Dick and Rick Hoyt and, through there blubbering said, "I'm going to do that". If there were just 1, and I truly believe there was, then the least I can do is to have them cross the line with me on November 5th.

Tomorrow, I race the 1/2 IM distance at the Westchester Toughman in Croton-On-Hudson, NY. I'm injured and will do the swim, bike, but only run a few miles. I've been all bent up about it for the past few weeks. Right now, I couldn't care less.

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