Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Dream-Day 115

Had a killer workout yesterday walking for an hour. Brought training alone to an whole new level. The words "sucked ass" don't even scratch the surface. I covered 4.5 mi and, at that rate, it will take me close to 6 hrs to walk the 26.2 mi at IM. I'm praying I don't stumble upon any firearms on the course.

In the afternoon, my therapy session focused on building strength in my core and small muscles of the lower leg and foot. The PT boys had me doing various balance drills while standing on either a Bosu ball or the foam mat below. Hope this crap works.

Today, Dominique picked me up at 5:30am for open water swim in Patchogue. It was there that the others were introduced to my "sucked ass" utterance. It was windy, overcast, about 60 degrees, and the water was rough. Those were the good parts. Today, SA=cold water + Renaud's. No joke. I definitely acquired another syndrome. My f'in fingers were purple and numb within seconds and it took me the better part of an hr with 90 degree heat blowing on them to regain feeling. You can imagine how devastated I was to learn that Thursday is the last open water swim.

After devouring a few of Dominique's blueberry muffins (a tad dry by her own admission) and 3 cups of coffee we hit Heckscher to do our bike workouts. Grateful that was over in an hr as I had 2x20' at best sustainable effort. On the way home, Dom mentioned how hungry she was. Well, I couldn't let my partner starve to death. So, I told her to b-line it to Maureen's Kitchen in Smithtown where we devoured pistachio pancakes with white chocolate chunks and an egg white omelette with spinach, tomato, feta, and onions.

At Maureen's Kitchen moments away from gastronomic glory.
Probably hitting the rack early tonight so I'm well rested. Look, Joe increased my walk to 70 min. So, lay off.

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